T GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, bro. Dunno what came over me. Look at the code all you want.




Large (WORK IN PROGRESS) Stinkoman website

Stinkoman Media

Stinkoman 20X6 Video Game Thanksgiving Cartoon


Stinkoman is a part of the Homestar Runner series. He's one of the altenate universe anime versions of the characters. The 20X6 universe also has guys like 1-Up, who I will cover in another section of the site. The 20X6 universe is a futuristic anime version of the normal Homestar Runner show, although some of the characters personalities seem a bit different, like how Stinkoman seems a bit less smart than Strong Bad, and how 1-Up seems more reasonable and smart. The whole concept is a parody of most shonen anime that was out at the time, which is why it contains many references to Akira and Dragon Ball. This was before the big anime boom happened in America, so a lot of the jokes in both the show and game are based off of early Shonen anime dubs, along with Mega Man and other Japanese video games. While Stinkoman has a whole game to his name, a holiday cartoon, and a few other appearances, most of his appearances aren't very important. As for merch appearances, he has two T-Shirts.